Motor Trade Insurance: Protecting Your Business with the Right Cover

Having the right insurance is crucial for a successful motor trade business. It provides security and is essential for the company's long-term stability and expansion.


Motor trade insurance serves as a vital safeguard, securing your business against the dynamic challenges of the automotive industry. This coverage is particularly crucial in the context of car accidents, where it plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your operations remain efficient and uninterrupted. With the right insurance, your business is equipped to swiftly manage repairs and other necessities, facilitating a quicker return of vehicles to their owners. This prompt response not only protects your business from potential disruptions following significant events but also reinforces your reputation for reliability and efficiency in handling unexpected situations.


AB Phillips understands the intricacies of motor trade insurance, providing a robust policy tailored to your unique business needs. We make it easy for both experienced and new individuals to understand and select their coverage. It's as simple as driving on a clear road.

Exploring the Fundamentals of Motor Trade Insurance Coverage

Motor trade insurance is a special type of coverage for people and businesses in the vehicle industry. This protection covers risks in the motor trade industry.


It allows your business to continue running smoothly. It helps in dealing with unexpected problems. Whether you’re an independent motor trader or run a large dealership, motor trade insurance can offer peace of mind, securing your assets and the vehicles under your custody or control.


Types of Coverage in Motor Trade Insurance

Navigating through the different types of car insurance and identifying which one resonates with your business model is critical. Motor trade insurance policies can vary greatly, offering protection against total loss, ensuring business continuity in the wake of damage to your car or property, and much more. The level of coverage will depend on various factors, including the size of your business, the types of vehicles you handle, and the specific services you offer.


Understanding Your Policy: The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

A product disclosure statement (PDS) is a comprehensive document that details everything your insurance policy includes as well as what it does not. It is essential to read the product disclosure statement carefully to understand the terms, conditions, exclusions, and limits of your policy. AB Phillips emphasizes the relevance of the product disclosure statement, as it's the blueprint for your policy's capabilities and limitations, ensuring you’re fully informed before making a decision.


The Claim Process: Ensuring Smooth Insurance Claims

Should the unexpected occur, the claim process is the pathway to covering the cost of losses. AB Phillips strives to make this process as transparent and straightforward as possible. Our team dedicates itself to guiding you through each step, from the moment you report an insured event to the resolution of your claim. We designed our efficient claim process to get you back in business with minimal disruption, emphasizing the importance of time. That’s why we have an initial online claims process, allowing you to consolidate all your information in one place and upload photos for review and further discussion, ensuring a streamlined and effective response to your needs.


Additional Covers: Tool and Tradie Insurance

In the trades industry, your tools are your trade, and protecting them is crucial. Tool insurance is a safeguard for the equipment that powers your livelihood.


Trade insurance goes beyond just covering tools, it also protects contractors and builders from various risks. These additional policies complement your main motor trade insurance. They provide protection for every aspect of your business, including your tools and trade vehicle.


Choosing the Right Insurance Broker

The role of a trade insurance broker is to serve as your navigator in the complex world of insurance. They are advisors committed to finding an insurance premium that matches your business’s needs without compromising on the level of coverage.


AB Phillips is not just a broker but a partner that prioritises the protection of your business. We simplify insurance terms and help you make informed decisions. This way, you can get a policy that fits your business perfectly.


Making Insurance Simple for Small Businesses  

Small businesses are the backbone of the motor trade industry, and their insurance needs are unique. Customise your small business auto insurance to match your needs, offering strong coverage at an affordable price. AB Phillips simplifies the process of obtaining insurance quotes and paying rego. This allows you to focus on running your business.



Motor trade insurance is necessary to protect your business and all the effort you put into it. AB Phillips tailors a policy for the motor trade industry to ensure your business is protected. We bring clarity to the complex, ensuring that you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having the right protection in place.


Ready to steer your business towards a safer future? Contact AB Phillips today to discuss your motor trade insurance needs with one of our expert brokers. If you need insurance information or a quote, we can assist you.

Eliza Whyte