Cover yourself with Top Rope Access Insurance


In the heights of the construction and maintenance industries, Rope Access professionals face unique challenges daily. Height Safety and Rope Access Insurance is not a luxury but a necessity. With AB Phillips, you have a partner with decades of experience, offering specialised coverage that is as agile and reliable as the professionals it protects.

The Essence of Specialised Height Safety Insurance

The vertical world of Rope Access work – encompassing Building Maintenance Units (BMUs), Cranes, Scaffolding, and Elevated Work Platforms (EWP) – is fraught with inherent risks. Every line cast and platform erected carries potential hazards not just to the workers but to the business itself. Specialised Height Safety Insurance is therefore is critical for business endurance. The right insurance cover and extensions can be the difference between a minor incident and a catastrophic impact on your business.

Beyond the Standard: Exclusive Insurance Facilities

AB Phillips sets itself apart with an exclusive Height Safety insurance facility that knows no bounds when it comes to height limits. While others may cap their coverage, AB Phillips provides a sky-high safety net, ensuring that your business is protected, no matter the elevation. This kind of cover gives our clients a clear competitive advantage – the freedom to take on ambitious projects with the assurance that their insurance climbs right alongside them.

Comprehensive Protection for All Height-related Activities

Height Safety doesn't just concern those on the ropes; it's a matter that spans from design to installation. AB Phillips offers expansive coverage that extends to designers, certifiers, and installers, safeguarding every link in the chain of business activity. Whether you're a solo practitioner meticulously crafting safety plans or a large firm installing complex systems, our policies are engineered to protect your business at every turn.

Rope Access Insurance Packages for Developers

For developers, navigating the ropes access landscape is complex, with a web of legal, financial, and safety considerations at every turn. AB Phillips has developed a comprehensive insurance package specifically for developers in this field, ensuring that from the ground up, your business premises, professional service, and advice are shielded from the risks inherent in height safety activities.

Our package is a safeguard against the unpredictable, a bulwark against legal action from a member of the public, and a defence for your business activity. It stands as a testament to our understanding that the right insurance must address the multifaceted nature of Rope Access work, providing peace of mind for sole traders and large enterprises alike.

With AB Phillips, you have a partner who sees the big picture and the minute details, ensuring that your business is protected at every level, from the highest peak to the deepest foundation.

Inclusion of Professional Liability as Standard

When you work at heights, the risk of personal injury or property damage is real. AB Phillips knows this. That's why we include Professional Liability as standard in our policies. It means if something goes wrong, and someone gets hurt, or something gets broken, you're covered. And if you give advice for a fee, we've got that covered too. You can work knowing you're safe from legal costs and claims.

Enhancing Cover with Public Liability and Professional Indemnity

Sometimes, you need more. That's where our Professional Indemnity cover steps in. It's an extra layer that looks after you if your service or advice ends up costing someone else money. For a little more on your premium, you get a lot more peace of mind. It's simple to add on and smart to have.

Tailored Solutions for the Height Safety Industry

Height Safety isn't the same for everyone. AB Phillips gets that. Whether you're a small business owner or a big company, a sub-contractor, or a professional advisor, we tailor your insurance to fit you just right. We look at what you do, how you do it, and we make insurance that suits you. Every business is different, and your insurance should be too.


For any work that takes you up high, having the right insurance is key. It’s about more than just ticking a box. It's about being 'really covered'. With AB Phillips, you get policies made just for you, with the expertise that only comes from years of working with the Height Safety industry.

Ready to be really covered? Reach out to AB Phillips. Let's talk about what you do and find the insurance that fits. So you can focus on the heights, not the falls.

Eliza Whyte